The Research and Rationale for this Project

Note: This research is on going, so data will be updated continuously.

Why did I create this project? 

The reasoning from this project comes from a personal experience I had almost 2 years ago, when I dislocated my knee, the chronology was the following:

At 8:51 the accident occurred

I got medicine for the pain at 10:23.

For an hour and 42 minutes. I was in absolute pain. I did not get any medicine because of school policy.  I was unable to move for 3 weeks, and in rehabilitation for about 6 months. And I was one of the lucky ones.

Now, I'm not the first one to notice these problems, below you'll find some excerpts of news articles that talk about this and the hard data.

This idea has been explored, but this is the first app available for android that is designed to give you instructions in the moment for medical emergencies.

The Hard Data and Testimonies

"The average response time for people requiring an ambulance for a stroke, severe burns or chest pain was 93 minutes, five times the operation target of 18 minutes." 

"In Mexico City, the average time it takes for an ambulance to arrive for a person who needs emergency medical attention is 50 minutes.

The process to get a medical diagnostic

1. History.

2. Examination.

3. Investigations.

4. Diagnosis (initial or final).

Types of Diagnosis

Longer waiting times  are linked to higher mortality.

"There was a strong positive linear correlation between HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services) on-scene time and mortality"

"Additionally, there was a positive trend between HEMS dispatch time and mortality." (Pham et al., 2017) 

ResQ AI will help in remote areas, like disaster-striken zones, forests or Mars!

Sources and References

Balogh, E., Miller, B. T., & Ball, J. (2015b). Improving diagnosis in health care. In National Academies Press eBooks.

Duncan, P. Campbell, C. Aguilar, C. (2023, January 12) Ambulance response times worst on record as A&E waits hit new highs, The Guardian.

Hernández C. (2019, March 1) Tardan ambulancias 50 minutos en CDMX. Reforma.


MYHSN. (2023, August 12). How doctors make a diagnosis (in 5 steps). Health Service Navigator.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (n.d.). NASA Science Mars 2020 Mission Perseverance Rover.,(DSN)%20antennas%20on%20Earth.


Pham H, Puckett Y, Dissanaike S. Faster on-scene times associated with decreased mortality in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) transported trauma patients. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open 2017;2:e000122. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2017-000122 

Chenais, G., Lagarde, E., & Gil-Jardiné, C. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Medicine: Viewpoint of Current Applications and Foreseeable Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of medical Internet research, 25, e40031.